#1434 Lesotho 20/12/23
My first cover from Lesotho was sent by Alča, thank you very much! It was
posted in Maseru on December 23, 2020 and arrived on November 20, 2023
(almost th...
1 settimana fa
Marconi was just a plagiarsit!
RispondiEliminaHe took Tesla's inventions knowing that he low social skills for something we call today "Asperger's Syndrom".
Marconi just ruined Tesla's career and he made stop working to the greatest genius of invention in history.
Asperger people sometimes look strange but they could work much better than most of people if they have the conditions to be motivated.
Edison and Marconi had been the cancer of technology even if it seems imposible.
Deliri di una mente malata che si commentano da soli. La moda New Age di considerare Tesla una specie di genio incompreso non è ancora passata, peccato. Tesla sicuramente ha molti meriti scientifici ma arrivare a dire che Marconi gli ha "soffiato" l'invenzione della Radio è completamente fuori dalla realtà. Saluti, Roby
RispondiElimina... mi sono dimenticato di complimentarmi con Simona per l'interessantissimo blog. Ottimo lavoro e grazie per la condivisione. Ciao, Roby